Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Day 23: Cardio Core

Guys, it's our LAST Cardio Core of Phase 1!

I, like every week in Phase 1, was scared come Cardio Core day. It's not easy, I sweat a lot, and I lose control of my breathing. I made a plan to see how far I could push myself and see my progress for four weeks. 

I have to say I am so proud of myself!! I pushed through each round and went harder and longer than I usually do. I got out of my mind and let my body do the work. Focused on my breathing and it worked. I had to pause a little more to catch my breathing before getting on the ground for the slider moves, but I pressed play again and gave it my all.

I was a sweaty, sweaty mess by the time it was over. I had sweat dripping down my arms! I hopped in the shower right away and enjoyed every second of it. 😆

We did it!! We're half way through the LAST week of Phase 1. Can you believe it?! I'm getting excited to see how Phase 2 changes and how sore I'll be the first week. lol

Day 24: AAA

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