Friday, February 9, 2018

Day 25: Legs

LAST leg day of Phase 1! Who else is happy about that?

Well, it's not like she won't find new ways to torture us on Leg day but this one is in the books! And boy, oh, boy did I struggle. My hands are shot by Friday and my left hand just was not having the heavy weights today. Like, at all. I started with 25s because it was day 25. How cool would it be to do 25s on day 25? My left hand was screaming at me. NO! STOP! Ouchie 😩 

So I dropped down to 20s. It was better, but after 15 reps it wasn't better and started to hurt really bad again. *sigh* Dropped down to 15s. However, before dropping to 15s I was able to do the twist lunge with 20s! Progress! I just did the opposite leg of what Autumn started with to give my left hand a break. It worked. The sumo squats was another great reason to give my hand a break. I grabbed a 35 for the first round and it felt almost too easy. Second round I went for 40s. In my rush I grabbed half a 40 and half a 35 😆 I use Bowflex weights if that doesn't make sense to you. 

I was so grateful for good mornings though! My legs were burning, my feet were burning, but my hand was grateful. It aches as I type this, but it's not as unbearable as when I was lifting weights. I did struggle with the buddhas. My knees, gosh, they don't like that move at all. I can push further on my left knee going back than my right. Maybe that's the last time we do buddhas? A girl can dream! lol

Let's talk about that 60 sec squat hold Autumn through in there! Her and her bonus rounds 👿 I grabbed my 15 and got in that squat hold and got lower than I ever have before. Progress, yes, but torture nonetheless. lol By the time she said 6 seconds I was shaking like a polaroid picture! I stood up out of that squat so fast I almost passed out. Like my vision blanked out and I almost fainted. Don't do what I did and stand up so fast. That wasn't good at all. 

Day 26: Cardio Flow

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