Saturday, January 27, 2018

Day 13: Cardio Flow

😅 😅  Cardio Flow 😅 😅
Geez, Louise!! My day has been off routine so it's been rough getting in my timed food and that made me workout a little hungrier than I like to, which made the workout that much harder. I did it though! 

Inch worms are getting better, at least I thought they were. The first time I could do them without bending my knees, but after that I had to bend more and more. I'm not sure if that was hunger or just plain can't do it all the way yet. I'm taking it as small progress!! 👏

I sweated my booty off with this workout. I didn't pineapple, I didn't take a break, and I even tried my hardest on mule kicks/frog jumps. I don't know why those are my most difficult move in Cardio Flow, but I am determined to keep at it!

I am so glad tomorrow is a rest day. I will most definitely do the Stretch & Release video and then I am doing nothing. Well, hopefully. Knowing me I'll do housework. Laundry, at least. Gotta wash the workout clothes before they walk by themselves! 😆

Keep up with the nutrition, rest, and water!! We've got this!

Day 14:
Stretch and Release
Rest Day!!

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