Monday, January 15, 2018

Day One Thoughts

High Freakin Five, ya'll!!! 
If you've made it through Total Body Core then pat yourself on the back and smile! It wasn't easy. I know from experience

Just look at that calorie count! Proof that Autumn is evil! 😂 No, but really, she's great and I'm grateful for this program. It will push me passed my limits and make me become even stronger than before. I won't like every second, every minute, every workout, but I will do it all and be proud of me in the end. 

I'll be honest, there were some easy moves and some very difficult moves. The easy ones I know aren't truly easy because everything Autumn does has a reason behind it. I was grateful for the small "break". The hard moves, wow! They were hard. I did modify and I'm sure most people will in some way and that's ok. I just see it as a way to push me to become stronger and not modify eventually. 
I remember in 21dfx when I stopped modifying and tried the workout how it's supposed to be. I was scared that I would hurt myself or totally suck at it. However I did it without injury and without sucking! That was a moment of clarity and strength and success for me. I look forward to many moments like that with 80 Day Obsession!

Halfway through Total Body Core Autumn repeats everything. It feels like two whole workouts and that's because it is. It didn't get easier and I had to lower my weights some in the second round. I had to remind myself it's only day 1. Before I know it I'll be getting heavier weights because they're just too easy.

I look forward to day two. Who doesn't love working the Booty?
Stay tuned for my thoughts on Day Two!

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