Sunday, January 21, 2018

Rest Day!

We made it to Day 07!!!
I'm sore, but happy. That's what 80 Day Obsession does to you! Today is Roll & Release, which you need a foam roller. I flubbed and don't have one so I improvised. I went old school and did Yoga Fix from 21 Day Fix. I was going to do Stretch & Release from 80DO, but it wasn't live. It is now, but it wasn't earlier today 😆  It still worked out though! My quads feel a hundred times better. I'm so grateful that I decided to do more self care and stretch it out! 
Make sure you have your food prepped, meal plan for the week all planned out, and get your rest in! Sleep is all a part of self care.
Let's take Week 2 and own it!! 
Good luck to you!

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