Sunday, February 11, 2018

Phase 1 RESULTS Are In!!

If you are like me then you don't look forward to stepping on the scale. However, it's a must! Phase 1 is DONE!! We have to be properly prepared for Phase 2. Autumn has said it's going to be harder and we'll need more food to carry us through it. 
With that being said, I did it. I measured and weighed myself. My results speak for themselves!!

Weight loss: 5.6 lbs. 💥
Inches lost: 6.5 inches 💥

What?! That's me getting it done. I knew I had lost weight and inches because my clothes fit better and I looked and felt better, but you never know for sure. You look at yourself everyday so it's hard to really see progress. Hubby had recently started telling me how much smaller I was and he's  regretting me losing my belly. Well hubs, it's just something you're going to have to deal with. lol 

I've gained muscle in my arms and shoulders. I can lift 25s much easier. If only my hands could handle it. With the schedule changing maybe I'll be lifting 25s more! My thighs are more muscular. They're smaller, but have more muscle. I love it!!!

I can tell I'm stronger. I have more energy. Like sometimes it's crazy how much energy I have lol I have to tell myself to stop and take a break or else I won't make it the next day. 

Overall, I am very happy with Phase 1. Autumn has yet again made working out a challenge, yet made the results worth the pain and struggle.

Have you made plans/goals for Phase 2? I'll share some with you.

Stay on eating plan. I bumped up to Plan C and plan to be strict about it. Refeed days are coming!!

Get more sleep. I've been staying up late wanting to spend more time with hubby and get some reading in. That has to change. Bed time must be no later than 12. That means lights out, eyes closed. 

Continue to push myself during the workouts. Get the cannots out of my head and get with the CANS. I can do pushups now so there are more things I can do. 

What are your goals?


Saturday, February 10, 2018

Day 26: Cardio Flow


If you couldn't tell I am really excited that we've made it this far. We've endured all Autumn has thrown at us. The bonus round, that squat hold 😈, and cardio flow without a break! 😫

I survived of course and I knew it was coming when I saw that it was only 27 minutes long. I just ignored that fact and just pretended I was wrong. lol I used the duck walks as my chance to grab my water and take my water breaks. lol Gotta roll with the punches with Autumn!

You know those days where your brain tricks you into believing it's actually Sunday and you don't have to workout then you realize it's all a lie and you have to do cardio? That's how my day started out! I buckled down and got right to it. It was rough because I was behind on my schedule, but it was only 27 minutes. I learned that I can do Autumn cardio without a break! That's a huge NSV for me. Mind over matter, for sure.

Give yourself a big pat on the back!! You made it!! We did it!! Take the rest day seriously tomorrow, stick to your nutrition, and prepare mentally for Monday. The schedule changes on us, which I love, but it's going to be rough. Did you watch Weekly Obsession?? Oh lordie. Bring on the sweat and sore muscles. lol

If you haven't watched the newest Weekly Obsession you need to! *hint hint* Refeed Day is coming!!

Rest Day!

Friday, February 9, 2018

Day 25: Legs

LAST leg day of Phase 1! Who else is happy about that?

Well, it's not like she won't find new ways to torture us on Leg day but this one is in the books! And boy, oh, boy did I struggle. My hands are shot by Friday and my left hand just was not having the heavy weights today. Like, at all. I started with 25s because it was day 25. How cool would it be to do 25s on day 25? My left hand was screaming at me. NO! STOP! Ouchie 😩 

So I dropped down to 20s. It was better, but after 15 reps it wasn't better and started to hurt really bad again. *sigh* Dropped down to 15s. However, before dropping to 15s I was able to do the twist lunge with 20s! Progress! I just did the opposite leg of what Autumn started with to give my left hand a break. It worked. The sumo squats was another great reason to give my hand a break. I grabbed a 35 for the first round and it felt almost too easy. Second round I went for 40s. In my rush I grabbed half a 40 and half a 35 😆 I use Bowflex weights if that doesn't make sense to you. 

I was so grateful for good mornings though! My legs were burning, my feet were burning, but my hand was grateful. It aches as I type this, but it's not as unbearable as when I was lifting weights. I did struggle with the buddhas. My knees, gosh, they don't like that move at all. I can push further on my left knee going back than my right. Maybe that's the last time we do buddhas? A girl can dream! lol

Let's talk about that 60 sec squat hold Autumn through in there! Her and her bonus rounds 👿 I grabbed my 15 and got in that squat hold and got lower than I ever have before. Progress, yes, but torture nonetheless. lol By the time she said 6 seconds I was shaking like a polaroid picture! I stood up out of that squat so fast I almost passed out. Like my vision blanked out and I almost fainted. Don't do what I did and stand up so fast. That wasn't good at all. 

Day 26: Cardio Flow

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Day 24: AAA

AAA - done, son!!
I really pushed it today and ooh wee was it a sweaty mess. lol I kept going back and forth with the 15s and 20s, but I got it done. I tried upright rows with the 20s and my form for one was shot and two, my left shoulder was like, "nope, not having it, lady!" so I switched to 15s. The 15s were still not easy, but my form was better and my shoulder was cool with it. However I was able to do 20s on most other moves including skull crushers! That brought the burn up to a whole new level. lol

I'm dealing with pain the past couple of days. My right hip flexor is hurting and my shoulders are giving me trouble. However during the workout when I am nice and warmed up they don't hurt. Hoping it's just from upping the weights. We shall see! May have to take some Tylenol. lol
Week 4 is nearing its end and Autumn is talking about the torture she brings in Phase 2. Fire Hydrants and Bear Crawls mixed?!?! Say what? She is crazy!! I was trying to figure out what that would be in my head and it's not pretty. Up on our toes for bear claws, we move to the right then fire hydrant, then we move to the left then fire hydrant. Um, where do we jump off this crazy ship!?! 😆😅

Let's just not think about that anymore shall we? lol Are you keeping up with your nutrition and timed meals? How are you progressing? Are you seeing results?

Let's finish Phase 1 STRONG!

Day 25: Legs

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Day 23: Cardio Core

Guys, it's our LAST Cardio Core of Phase 1!

I, like every week in Phase 1, was scared come Cardio Core day. It's not easy, I sweat a lot, and I lose control of my breathing. I made a plan to see how far I could push myself and see my progress for four weeks. 

I have to say I am so proud of myself!! I pushed through each round and went harder and longer than I usually do. I got out of my mind and let my body do the work. Focused on my breathing and it worked. I had to pause a little more to catch my breathing before getting on the ground for the slider moves, but I pressed play again and gave it my all.

I was a sweaty, sweaty mess by the time it was over. I had sweat dripping down my arms! I hopped in the shower right away and enjoyed every second of it. 😆

We did it!! We're half way through the LAST week of Phase 1. Can you believe it?! I'm getting excited to see how Phase 2 changes and how sore I'll be the first week. lol

Day 24: AAA

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Day 22: Booty

Last Time doing Booty in Phase 1!! 👊💥

A little relief sure, but knowing we'll do a different one in Phase 2 lessens the relief. 😆😅  2 rounds, 15 reps each was so hard. And painful. And sweaty!! Today's workout was fun though. The cast was silly, Autumn laughed so hard she cried, and we survived!! 

I gotta tell you the first and second rounds were the most painful. Holy OUCH! I pushed through it and dealt with the pain. Usually I would give in and call #pineapple. I won't get results that way and I know that now. I tried the blue band more often and doubled up when they did. Oh boy did it make it burn that much more and that much quicker. 😳

Oh man am I hungry today! Make sure you're sticking on your nutrition. Sticking to your meal plan, eating only what's on the food list, and eating on the timed plan. It's all working for you so you have to follow it and let it work for you! I mean, all we have to do is eat and who doesn't love that?! 
Pay attention to how hungry you are though. Autumn wants you hungry because that lets you know your metabolism is revved up, but if you get too hungry, like you are absolutely ravenous, then maybe you need to change your meal plan. Check with the FAQs and Autumn's videos for more information. 

Day 23: Cardio Core

Monday, February 5, 2018

Day 21: Total Body Core

💥 WEEK 4!!! 💥
We made it! Last Total Body Core of this Phase. Yasss!! 
Who struggled with the 2 rounds, 15 reps each? This girl! Holy moly, that was rough! I struggled on the renegade rows when I was crushing 'em last week. I did all 15 pushups on my.freakin.toes! Boom! Both rounds, might I add. Tricep pushups also on my.freakin.toes!! I love progress, but I still struggled. I tried my damnedest so I'll still take it as a win.

Can you believe this is the last time we'll do this Total Body Core in Phase 1? We are on week 4. Let that sink in. We're almost a month in, almost done with phase one, and almost on to phase 2. Crazy!!

Are you enjoying the journey? I am so enjoying it. I love the food. I love the challenge. I love the sweat. I love the burn. 

Autumn really knows how to make you work for it! 😆

Day 22: Booty 

Sunday, February 4, 2018

Week 3 Round Up

So I totally slacked on posting this week. 
I started feeling like crap and it really took it out of me. I had a sore throat with a touch of scratchy. Nothing too major because I can't handle a sore throat well at all. Add in the stuffy, icky head feeling and I was just feeling blah. The first day or two it hit me I had a fever. How fun! No body aches thankfully. I first thought it was allergies because I was sneezing my head off but allergies don't last this long. Right? lol Even though I was feeling icky I still knocked out each workout everyday to the best of my abilities. I'm pretty proud of that! 
Here's a quick recap:

Refer to Day 15's post for Total Body Core

Day 16: Booty
This one hurt!! Like for real pain. lol I was screaming so much the first round my cat came to check on me. She figured I was ok and started to attack my hair. Typical. 😹

Day 17: Cardio Core
Holy sweat!! Last week I didn't do so hot with this workout so this time I got more sleep and was determined to kick its ass. Then I got sick and I still wanted to kick its ass so I did the best I could. I pushed and I kept going when I wanted to quit and I totally kicked this workout's ass! I pushed so hard I hit 185 bpm and my max for my age is 187 😬

Day 18: AAA
You know Autumn loves to bring the pain so that little plank hold she added in was dirty!! lol I did 20s most of the time but I had to do 15s for the hammer curls. Had bad form with the 20s so I dropped to the 15s. Play it smart! Also, still doing push ups on the toes 💪 Last time wasn't a fluke! I can really do pushups on my toes now!! Only took me a year and nineish months. Progress!!
Look at my progress and take it in for a second. If you think you're not improving on some moves or in some areas and you get discouraged, don't!! We progress at a rate our bodies can handle. There's no how-to manual to operate our bodies or to tell us how long it will take to lose weight or build muscle. You just have to keep at it and keep your head in the game long enough to see the progress. Sometimes we don't even know we made progress until we try something we thought we couldn't do. Pushups have always been a frenemy of mine and now I am OWNING them. My range of motion may not be like Richardson's yet, or it may never get there, but I'm on my toes and that progress makes me happy and pushes me to keep moving forward.

Day 19: Legs
Autumn started out with 25s so I was down with trying that. 20s are getting easier, not easy, but easier. Yea, that was a big no for me. lol I was feeling icky and my left hand was giving me serious pain holding that 25. Like it hurt so bad I dropped the weight. So 20s and 15s for me on leg day. Still rocked it out. I even did one 30 for the squats to give my hand a little more rest. I squashed this workout while feeling crappy. #beast
Something that's helped me get through these workouts while feeling under the weather is my dad. When he would start to feel a cold coming on he would go for long run. I remember him being sick once growing up. When he was sick he was sick. It scared me he was so sick. My dad was the pinnacle of health so I took a tip from him and sweated it out this week and I'm glad I did. I think it helped me to not get worse.

Day 20: Cardio Flow
I wanted to see how much progress I had made with this workout, even though I hate it. Not love/hate it, hate it 😆😂 I didn't allow myself breaks and I did every move to the best of my ability and I survived!! I only took breaks that Autumn and the cast took and I hung in there.
Fun Fact: I had a dream about Cardio Flow the night before. Crazy, right? In my dream I'm doing spider push ups and they're crazy easy. So easy I don't feel any stress, any strain, any struggle. It's like I'm floating through the push up, easy like Sunday morning. Yea, that's not how it felt come Saturday morning. lol However, I did gain a little more range of motion in the pushups so a little progress happened!! Woot!

Sunday Rest Day (not day 21)
I get a lot done on Sundays now. More so than ever before, which I give a little credit to 80 Day Obsession. I knocked some chores off my to-do list and even did a little mini workout. Autumn posted a #commercialchallenge for people watching the Super Bowl #goeagles I am not watching it and just voting for the underdogs #sueme lol 
I just did one of each and it was fun, not easy though! lol Afterwards, I did Stretch & Release. 

Day 21: Total Body Core
WEEK 4, ya'll!!!

Monday, January 29, 2018

Day 15: Total Body Core

Wow, Wow, WOW!

That was so much harder than the last two weeks and all we did was move around the sets! I never knew that I would appreciate the moves spread out like that, but now I want them back 😆😅 Doing them back to back made it SO much harder! Who would have thought? Oh yea, Autumn 😒😆

I have a NSV this week!! I was able to do pushups on my toes!! TOES, people!! No knees, no modifications!! I did it all three sets too!! Sure my range of motion wasn't as good as Richardson's, but I did it!! Richardson is a pushup beast!!

I tried tricep pushups on my toes and got to the fourth one and had to drop to my knees. My form was bad and I knew I couldn't push it. We'll see how I do next week though! 

I did 20s this week for the most part. 15s on triceps because I still struggle with 15s, but I am getting better. I did 10s on the curve bicep thingy (lol) because that's already killer! Oh, and my side V-Ups are improving!!! One side is easier than the other, but like Autumn says, it's natural. I'm still pushing for progress!!

What a way to start Monday! Progress, sweat, and another day in the books! Good for you for pressing play!!

Day 16: Booty

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Day 14: Stretch & Release

Breathe in, Breathe Out. 
Stretch, stretch, stretch!

Ahh, I needed that stretch! I bet you did too. It felt so good. Of course in some spots it hurt, but I still pushed through. I feel loose and limber and ready for tomorrow. Can you believe week 3 starts tomorrow?! It feels like only yesterday we started 80 Day Obsession. 

If you watch the Weekly Obsession videos (and if you don't you should!) you'll see the crew voice the same thoughts and feelings about 80DO as you do. Which I love.

Enjoy your rest day. Actually rest up because we'll need it come Monday morning. Time to meal plan, sleep, and drink that water!!

Week 3, Day 15: 
Total Body Core

Saturday, January 27, 2018

Day 13: Cardio Flow

😅 😅  Cardio Flow 😅 😅
Geez, Louise!! My day has been off routine so it's been rough getting in my timed food and that made me workout a little hungrier than I like to, which made the workout that much harder. I did it though! 

Inch worms are getting better, at least I thought they were. The first time I could do them without bending my knees, but after that I had to bend more and more. I'm not sure if that was hunger or just plain can't do it all the way yet. I'm taking it as small progress!! 👏

I sweated my booty off with this workout. I didn't pineapple, I didn't take a break, and I even tried my hardest on mule kicks/frog jumps. I don't know why those are my most difficult move in Cardio Flow, but I am determined to keep at it!

I am so glad tomorrow is a rest day. I will most definitely do the Stretch & Release video and then I am doing nothing. Well, hopefully. Knowing me I'll do housework. Laundry, at least. Gotta wash the workout clothes before they walk by themselves! 😆

Keep up with the nutrition, rest, and water!! We've got this!

Day 14:
Stretch and Release
Rest Day!!

Day 12: Legs

Legs. That is all. 😆
Legs are Autumn's favorite workout, next to the booty, of course. I was ready for her to bring the pain! What I was not ready for was for her to up the weights to 20s. I can hang with 20s now, but wow did it make the workout twice as hard! A couple of moves I had to drop down to the 15s because my wrist couldn't handle it. Other than that I really pushed through the burn and kept with the 20s. 

I wasn't expecting Legs to make me burn through so much and I love Autumn for it. 

That's a whole lotta calories from leg day! My lower body has never been worked so hard and been so sore. I love it!! I was sure to do my self-care, which consists of a bubble bath and a good book. It really helps the muscles, especially when you use a Relax & Relief bubble bath 😉
We're almost done with week 2!!

Day 13: Cardio Flow

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Day 11: AAA

Day 11 is here! 
The week is almost over! 
AAA was a little rougher this week, but compared to yesterday I really pushed it. I kept up with Autumn on weights and bands and loved challenging myself. However when she grabs 12s I grab 15s and when she grabs 8s I grab 10s. I don't have 12s or 8s so I have to improvise. I did order 8s, but now I kind of regret that because back flies weren't so bad today with 10s. I'll try the 8s next week and see if that helps my form.
I am sore! She's not kidding with the planks all the time. I pushed myself harder with the push ups today too. I tried up on my feet rather than on my knees and boy, oh, boy was it rough. I could do it, but my range wasn't as good as on my knees. By the third round I was falling to my knees every couple of push ups but I would do one on my knees then get back up. I am determined to get better.
I'll tell you a story I learned last year. When I first started working out I did Turbo Jam by Chalene Johnson. I could modify and do the workouts my body could handle. I made excuses for the longest time that my knees couldn't handle anything because of my weight and all my falls. I learned I was wrong and my body could handle it. Well I did Fat Blaster a lot, a lot. It was a good calorie burner and I felt better after doing it. I did it so much that I think I got too use to it. Nick introduced me to 21 Day Fix. He bought the program for himself but I ended up trying it and switching to that. One day Nick wanted to try Fat Blaster again. By this time I had been doing 21df for about 8 or 9 rounds and was ready to start 21 Day Fix Extreme. I took one for the team and did it with him. I decided to do it the non-modified way and wow! That was some workout. I hadn't realized I was modifying every single time I did Fat Blaster instead of pushing myself to try it the normal way. Doing it the non-modified way made it so much harder it was like a brand new workout. I was struggling, sweating, and breathing hard by the time the cool down came around. From that I learned to push harder sooner rather than later. If I can't this time then I know next time to try again. I went months doing Fat Blaster the easy way. No wonder I got tired of it. I need a challenge and 80 Day Obsession is that! Bring on the challenges!!

Day 12: Legs

Day 10: Cardio Core

I know, I know! I'm late again. 
I have a good reason behind this so hear me out. 😆 Yesterday I was posting things for an author friend and two posts in (I swear) Facebook marks me as spam and blocks me from joining anymore groups and posting in groups. How rude, right!? Well, that got me off the computer. I didn't have any work projects to work on so I started doing work around the house. I got SO much done!
Boxes moved out into the garage and driveway for trash day (which is a day late), I put the baker's rack together for the kitchen so I could get that box out,  and set that up for the kitties. It's their new home for eating. Nick bought a timed food dispenser for them so I don't have to worry about feeding them all day long, which reminds me, I need to see how much food is left in the container. lol Oops! Anyways, I put the new curtains that still need to be hung where they will be and got rid of that huge box. Put out the yard lights so that box could be trashed. Notice a theme here? I want these boxes gone! After moving, I am tired of seeing boxes. lol I did laundry and got our bed sheets cleaned. Ordered new sheets so we have more than one set. I thought our new comforter set came with sheets but I was fooled. Oh and I tackled the kitchen! It wasn't bad, but I had to clean the stove and do the dishes. I also had two large boxes full of dishes that needed a home so they're now put away. I don't know if I'll ever use the set, but it was free and it's ok looking. You never know! Nick bought me a little office heater and it looks like an old wood burning stove. Super adorable! I set that up and it's waiting to be used on another cold winter day. Whenever that will be because this week it's 50s all week. Nick wanted me to do a stretch class with him so I did that before taking a bath and hitting the bed. I did other little things around the house and I am glad I did. Our house is big and it takes a while to take care of, but I am grateful I have to opportunity to take care of a house. I am truly blessed.
So there's my reason(s) for not posting yesterday. I did all of that on Day 10: Cardio Core day! I must get a burst of energy on cardio days. Not complaining! 

Cardio Core was pretty rough on me yesterday though. I wanted to pineapple a lot and once I did. It might have been the amount of sleep I got because I almost slept 9 hours or it's just not wanting to do cardio. I don't drink Energize so maybe cardio days it would help, but I'd rather not. I know next week to push harder and get the doubts out of my head. The three rounds, 10 reps may seem easier in the long run because it's 10 reps instead of 15, but it's not. Trust me on that. lol I love it though and the nutrition is getting easier every day! 

Day 11: AAA

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Day 9: Booty

Happy Tuesday!! 
Day 9 is here and it's booty day. I hate and love booty day. I love booty day because I get to work the booty and get bootylicious. I hate booty day because I know tomorrow is cardio day 😩😭 Ok, now that we have that out of our system let's talk about booty day!

One word comes to mind: OUCH! Right?! You're lying on the ground on your comfort mat and Autumn has this misleading smile on her face. It starts out ok with glute bridges, but then later we get to our side and the toe taps happen with clam move then we move the dresser. Painful doesn't even begin to describe that set of moves. Did I mention we do those three times each!? 

I do have to say that my left side did seem a little stronger this time. My left side is always my weaker side so I was impressed with myself and gave myself a mental pat on the back. I really pushed through this workout. When it burned and hurt so bad I wanted to #pineapple I didn't and pushed through. If I was off count I did all my reps before moving on to the next move. I was never too far behind. For that I am very proud of myself.

If you can see, I forgot to stop my workout because I was too hungry to worry about ending it 😆

Tomorrow is Cardio Core so make sure you get your sleep and water in and keep your nutrition on point!!
Day 10: Cardio Core!

Day 8: Total Body Core


So I totally got carried away with yesterday and forgot to make a post. I knew it would happen eventually I just didn't think it'd be so soon. 😆 Please forgive me for being human. 😂
Let's talk Total Body Core. Three rounds this time with only 10 reps each. What?! Sounds easier, right? Nope. It's good to change it up so your body doesn't get use to it and stop changing. However that means more work. What can ya do? This is our 80 Day Obsession!! 

I noticed that I was a little stronger this week! I went higher with my weights, basically in line with Autumn. Only a few times I went 15s when she went 12s. I use Bowflex weights and they only go in 5lb increments. I felt the burn and I loved it!! 
Let's talk burn. I burned some serious calories today. Like, crazy crazy. 
Look at that! 😮 I don't think I've ever burned that many calories from one workout. I was SO hungry all day. Every two hours like clockwork I ate. I even went to bed hungry. Crazy burn!! I kept my nutrition on point though. 🙌

I don't know if it's because it's the new and improved TBC (Total Body Core), but on Mondays I get some serious housework done. I just have to move and that means doing stuff around the house. I cleaned my bathroom. The tub is cleaned, which is very important! 😁 I got rid of boxes (just moved so they're everywhere 😒 I swear they multiply when we sleep!) and did a small load of towels. I did other little things too and felt great relaxing in bed before going to sleep. I feel like I deserved to relax for once. 

Tomorrow (or today 😆😉) is Booty day!! Day 9!! 

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Rest Day!

We made it to Day 07!!!
I'm sore, but happy. That's what 80 Day Obsession does to you! Today is Roll & Release, which you need a foam roller. I flubbed and don't have one so I improvised. I went old school and did Yoga Fix from 21 Day Fix. I was going to do Stretch & Release from 80DO, but it wasn't live. It is now, but it wasn't earlier today 😆  It still worked out though! My quads feel a hundred times better. I'm so grateful that I decided to do more self care and stretch it out! 
Make sure you have your food prepped, meal plan for the week all planned out, and get your rest in! Sleep is all a part of self care.
Let's take Week 2 and own it!! 
Good luck to you!

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Day 6: Cardio Flow

WOWZA!! Cardio Flow seemed all innocent and easy, but boy, was I wrong!! 

This workout just started and kept going. There were no breaks unless you count the brief break before we did all over again. I was sweating from the very first round of inch worms and sweated straight through the stretch. I'm proud of myself for doing so well with this cardio workout. I limit myself way too much. When I push myself I do SO much more than I ever thought I could!

Now let's talk about some of those moves. Inch worms to spider push ups were not fun. Flamingo was a nice break and now I love flamingoes. 😂  Duck wasn't so bad but boy, oh boy, did my quads burn!! Then the ever brutal gorillas and those switch thingies after those then bears. Ouch!! Mule kicks to frog jumps. Um, say what?! Brutal, just plain brutal!! The sweat was real!! My post workout meal could not happen fast enough. If only there weren't stairs in between me and the kitchen. 😆 

We made it!!! Day 6 was rough, but oddly it's the perfect way to end the first week. Tomorrow is rest day/stretching. 

Friday, January 19, 2018

Day 5: Legs

I'll be honest, I wasn't looking forward to today. Autumn loves leg day so I knew it's going to be rough. My calves were still tight from Cardio Core (yes, that long ago) and I ran errands all day. Two trips to the DMV and a 2 hour trip at the grocery store had already exhausted me, but I'm in this to win it!
We put all the groceries away, ate dinner (or lunch - same difference lol) then I got ready to workout. My office was freezing so it was actually easy to get off my chair and get to sweatin'! 
I honestly can't say I hated this workout! 
My quads were screaming by the second workout in round 1 and I was sweating like a fool. I actually liked some of the new moves! They were different and they challenged me. The Buddha (something) move at the end was not kind to me. I have somewhat bad knees from a klutzy time in my life so kneeling down like that didn't go over so well. Instead of giving into my limitations I kept moving. In round one I used a 10 lb. weight, but in round 2 I didn't use a weight. My Bowflex weights only go down to 10 lbs. so instead of not doing it all I just modified and pushed through.

Not actually me, but still very true.😂 Stairs were rough and I'm sure they'll be rough tomorrow. Make sure you get that food in because tomorrow is Cardio Flow! Has anyone taken a sneak peek or do you like to be surprised? I think I'm going with surprised. Mainly because I'm scared. 😝

Day 6: Cardio Flow

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Day 4: AAA

We're more than half way through week 1!!
If you're sore raise your hand! ✋😆 I was grateful today wasn't cardio anything because Cardio Core really tore me up! My calves are so tight and sore.

 I have to be honest with you. After my workout yesterday I started putting away the rest of the boxes left in my dining room before trash day (we just moved in our new house). I had to climb the stairs many, many times to put the rest of the boxes away. According to my Fitbit I ran up and down the stairs more than 30 times. My staircase is long enough to count as one floor so they're more than the standard 12 steps. I guess I didn't do myself any favors yesterday, but I accomplished a task I've been putting off for far too long. 

This is yesterday's results of my workout and cleaning 😳😅

Anyway, back to AAA. Those sliders, right!? Those are my least favorite part of any workout. They're not easy for me so I know they probably help shape my body the best so I do them.
Overall, this workout wasn't easy, but it felt great to get in there and sweat again! The stretching at the end felt so, so good. I hope you made it through Day 4 and are ready for Day 5!!

Tomorrow's Workout:
Day 5: Legs!! 

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Day 3: Cardio Core

Wow, holy crap, wow!!!
Was it just me or was the hardest cardio workout ever?! I love that Autumn let us know that it's ok to take a break. That it's ok to catch our breaths and that it will be hard. Of course I believed her, but I kept saying to myself, "just take it 30 seconds at a time". It helped only a little, but it helped. 

My heart rate got crazy high. Not too high, but high enough that I knew I was really killing it.
This is where the nutrition kicks in! We just did a whole lot of burning so we need to replenish all that work so our bodies can continue to keep burning and making us leaner and stronger!
You may want something quick and simple, but nothing comes that easily. Stay in it to win it!! 
And drink that water!!

A little thought from Autumn:

We made it through day three!!

Abs, Arms, & 🍑

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Day Two: Booty

Day Two, y'all!! 
We worked the booty today and, oh boy, did it hurt!! Sure we got to lay on the ground for what seemed like most of the workout, but that just means we worked harder!
It was smooth sailing, well not really, but you know what I mean, until we got to that third round where we lay on our sides. First of all, if you did 21Day Fix then you know about the toe taps from Pilates Fix. They were excruciating, but they worked. She added those to 80DO: Booty. Still excruciating! Especially when you add in the clam move and that push move. O-U-C-H! 

I was screaming to focus on something else besides the pain. I wanted to pineapple, but it's only day 2. I can handle it! Did I say I did it the first time with the green band? Yea, ouch. For the second half, I did it with the yellow band. While it wasn't as hard as the first time around, it still hurt and I still had to push through it.
Overall, this workout is her most intense booty workout. I'd like to admit that ALO: Booty did not prepare me for the pain she would bring today. 😆😅
I'm looking forward to my epsom salt bath later!

What did you think? 

Monday, January 15, 2018

Preparing for 80 Day Obsession

Let's Get Ready!!
80 Day Obsession is about timed nutrition and well thought out nutrition. If you've completed either 21df or 21dfx then you already are use to the portion control containers. These little guys are brilliant. No more calorie counting!! Who loves that? This girl!
These containers (pictured above) help make eating right so fool proof. 

Purple: Fruit
Green: Veggies
Red: protein (also Shakeology)
Yellow: Carbs
Blue: Healthy Fats
Orange: Seeds & Dressings

Oils & Nut butters

Workout gear is also important in your success on this 80 day journey. 
Strength Slides (black bootie comes off for working out on carpet)
Resistance Loops in
Yellow - light
Green - medium
Blue - heavy
Core Comfort Mat
Portion Control containers

I bought the Obsession Accessories because I already have BOD and Shakeology. I chose not to buy the pack with the pre-workout, hydrate, recover, etc. That's just a personal choice. You pick whatever you think will work best for you. I now have a second set of the portion control containers, but that can only be a good thing.

Sleep well, drink lots of water, modify, take it slow, and give yourself credit where credit is due. This will not be easy, but you will make it! It won't look pretty at the end, but doing a hard workout always feels great when it's over.

Also make sure you pick your workout time for each day so you can time your nutrition with it. A good idea is to set alarms for each meal so you know when to eat. It's recommended every two hours to keep up with recovery.

Personally, I love this. I know you will too! There will be a learning curve so cut yourself some slack. We'll be pros by Phase 2!

Day One Thoughts

High Freakin Five, ya'll!!! 
If you've made it through Total Body Core then pat yourself on the back and smile! It wasn't easy. I know from experience

Just look at that calorie count! Proof that Autumn is evil! 😂 No, but really, she's great and I'm grateful for this program. It will push me passed my limits and make me become even stronger than before. I won't like every second, every minute, every workout, but I will do it all and be proud of me in the end. 

I'll be honest, there were some easy moves and some very difficult moves. The easy ones I know aren't truly easy because everything Autumn does has a reason behind it. I was grateful for the small "break". The hard moves, wow! They were hard. I did modify and I'm sure most people will in some way and that's ok. I just see it as a way to push me to become stronger and not modify eventually. 
I remember in 21dfx when I stopped modifying and tried the workout how it's supposed to be. I was scared that I would hurt myself or totally suck at it. However I did it without injury and without sucking! That was a moment of clarity and strength and success for me. I look forward to many moments like that with 80 Day Obsession!

Halfway through Total Body Core Autumn repeats everything. It feels like two whole workouts and that's because it is. It didn't get easier and I had to lower my weights some in the second round. I had to remind myself it's only day 1. Before I know it I'll be getting heavier weights because they're just too easy.

I look forward to day two. Who doesn't love working the Booty?
Stay tuned for my thoughts on Day Two!


People, this is happening!!
I have been waiting for this workout program for what feels like a year. I've done 21 Day Fix and I've done 21 Day Fix Extreme. While I got excellent results with both workouts, it was time for a new program. 80 Day Obsession came at the perfect time. While the length of this program is different than 21df and 21dfx, I am still looking forward to a different workout every single day. How cool is that?! It basically does away with plateaus. Brilliant!

After nine rounds of 21 Day Fix and nine rounds of 21 Day Fix Extreme I was done. I needed a change. Doing nine rounds of each wasn't planned either. I guess that's just my body and mind worked out with both. I definitely hit a plateau with 21dfx. 

Plateaus are the devil. They're frustrating, stressful, and can really deter your weight loss journey. It definitely did for me. I wondered what I was doing wrong, how could I stop losing weight and getting toned when I was trying heavier weights, sleeping and drinking my water, and eating as well as I possibly could. I just believe that my body was too bored with the workouts and needed a change.

Enter A Little Obsessed!! 
I kid you not, just doing ALO during the two week preview my body showed changes. It wasn't just me making it up either, promise. My body soaked it all up! I was so grateful when they added a second week preview. Made this girl happy!

Let's give credit where credit is due. Autumn knows her stuff. I'm sure there's also a team of people behind the already successful 80 Day Obsession. Anyway, I look forward to this program pushing me passed the limits I thought 21dfx pushed me passed. I look forward to cursing Autumn a lot. Don't lie, you know you do it too! She's a mean little woman who loves to torture us. I'll admit, I love her afterward, but during I can't say she's my favorite person. That just proves she knows her stuff and knows what works!

I'll make another post letting you know about my thoughts after the very first workout. Check out my other posts on preparing for 80 Day Obsession.

Phase 1 RESULTS Are In!!

If you are like me then you don't look forward to stepping on the scale. However, it's a must! Phase 1 is DONE!! We have to be prop...